Bent To Be Strong
Scoliosis Support Superheroes
Welcome to our new YouTube series, Scoliosis Support Superheroes! Scoliosis Support Superheroes celebrates our expert doctors, therapists, organizations, and other superheroes who cheer for us along our scoliosis journey and help us become all we can be.

Episode 01: Bracing with the National Scoliosis Center
For our very first episode, we interviewed Mr. Luke Stikeleather, the founder of the National Scoliosis Center. The National Scoliosis Center helps scoliosis patients around the world treat their scoliosis with non-surgical medical techniques. Mr. Stikeleather was the first orthotist to introduce the Rigo-Cheneau Brace to North America in 2004, and Mr. Luke has now created custom braces for over 6,500 scoliosis warriors! Thank you, National Scoliosis Center, for your amazing work as a scoliosis support superhero!
Episode 2: Emotional Support with Higgy Bears
For our second episode, we interviewed Ms. Lauren Higginson, the founder of Higgy Bears. Higgy Bears empowers and connects scoliosis patients across the globe by hand-crafting special teddy bears with scoliosis curves, braces, and casts. Ms. Lauren has impacted over 20,000 scoliosis warriors in over 70 countries with her empathy, dedication, and entrepreneurship! Thank you, Higgy Bears, for your amazing work as a scoliosis support superhero!

Episode 03: Scoliosis 101 with Johns Hopkins Hospital
For our third episode, we interviewed Dr. Paul Sponseller, a Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and the Head of the Division of Pediatric Orthopedics at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Sponseller has been at the Johns Hopkins Hospital for 35 years, caring for patients with orthopedic cases. He was also the president of the Scoliosis Research Society, a worldwide organization researching about how to better understand and care for scoliosis, and a member of 4 different study groups conducting seminal scoliosis research. Thank you, Dr. Sponseller and everyone at Johns Hopkins Hospital, for your amazing work as a scoliosis support superhero!