Bent To Be Strong
App Features
Supporting Your Journey Every Step of the Way
VERSION 2 Released on December 2021 - App Now Available to the World
Informative Articles
We believe credible knowledge is empowering, so we bring everything you need to know about scoliosis right to your fingertips.
Comprehensive Lifestyle and Treatment Guides
Scoliosis is more than just fact; scoliosis is a lifestyle. Our guides are meant to help you through every milestone and bend of the journey, and they're crafted by people with scoliosis for people with scoliosis.
*Coming on our app in 2021
Robust Tracking Tools
When scoliosis treatment involves cumbersome numbers and tracking, you can call on us to bear the heavy lifting. We have user-friendly tracking options for you to use and export to others so you don't have to worry about keeping track of all those numbers.
*Coming on our app in 2022
User Testimonials
This app is impressive and it has an impressive background. The creator of the app who is the founder of ScolioBend is a high school student! The information and the inspiration contained in this app come from the heart.
Amazing product and first of its kind. Helpful to have an app that's free with the amount of features ScolioBend provides.
Such an AMAZING app! What an inspirational story and so much great information on this app. Easy to navigate, works well, and it was free. Would highly recommend to anyone with scoliosis!
ScolioBend's iOS App Privacy Policy
Last Updated: January 23, 2021
At ScolioBend, we put your privacy as our priority. We only collect user data needed to ensure you have the best and safest experience on our app. We do not affiliate or partner with third-party companies or advertisers, so your data is secure. Finally, we will openly communicate what data we collect from you on our website, and we will be sure to notify you if there are any changes to our privacy policy.
Types of Data Collected:
1. Name (for authentication and account purposes)
2. Email Address (for authentication and account purposes)